Hi and thank you for following the Bluestocking Belles’ Fire & Frost Blog Hop. Below is a very short story about a hard working street vendor who witnesses a scene from my novella My Own True Love. My Own True Love is part of the Bluestocking Belles’ boxset, Fire & Frost and celebrates romance at the 1814 Frost Fair in London.

Frowning, Anna watched the entire scene unfold. Not because she was terribly interested in the doings of the ladies and gents of the ton, but because the drama taking place on benches beside her chestnut stand was drawing away business. She wanted to shout at all the richly and warmly dressed people that the feelings of one fancy bloke toward a wealthy skirt was not worth their time when they could be filling their bellies with her roasted chestnuts. They were the best hot bites to be had because she sprinkled some precious cinnamon atop each one as it burst due to heat. Then she heard the handsome fellow with his arm in that of a lovely young lady threaten a fancy man.

“You low-life scum. You will apologize to Miss Cummins immediately, or I’ll give you the thrashing you deserve.”

“Good show, Trevor, my man,” said a bloke in a beaver hat. “But I do not think Cummins is worth your time and effort.”

“Miss Cummins’s honor and reputation is worth every effort. I am waiting to hear that apology.”

Mr. Fancy Fellow looked down his long nose. He only succeeded in making himself look silly, since he was shorter than Lord Handsome by a head. “I would not waste my breath. Good day, ladies.” Fancy pointedly nodded at every female present other than the young lady he’d insulted.

One by one the women turned their backs, giving him the cut direct. Their escorts joined them. Only Lord Handsome and Anna saw the angry glare Mr. Fancy cast toward the group and the red-eyed fury he bent on the young woman’s bowed head.

“Get out of here, Cummins,” warned Handsome.

“Oh, I’m leaving, but your little doxy, my cousin, will regret she ever attempted to associate with her betters.”

Lord Handsome watched until the man was out of sight, then knelt before the pretty lady. Even Anna could see how pale the woman was, how listless her gaze. Her lips trembled, and her shoulders quaked.

As Anna looked on, Lord Handsome quickly untied the woman’s second skate and lifted her into his arms. Anna sighed. It’d be nice to have someone to take care of her like that. While she admired the man and the gesture, she couldn’t help but regret the loss of the coin she would have earned from selling him chestnuts.

He spoke to Beaver Hat then Lord Handsome walked off toward a line of carriages with the lady snug in his arms.

Anna stared after them a spark of regret for what she could never have deepening her frown.


She turned her attention to what she hoped would be a customer and saw the smiling face of Beaver Hat.

“Can I help you, Sir? I’ve got the best chestnuts in London.”

“Excellent. I’ll need three dozen.”

“Three dozen.” She goggled at the man. He was on the lean side though healthy enough. “You must have gotten up quite an appetite while you were skating,” she said as she pulled chestnuts from the fire and wrapped them into a neat parcel for him to carry. “That’ll be ten pence.”

“Well yes, I did work up an appetite miss. However, even I could not eat three dozen chestnuts by myself. I intend to share these with my friends over there. He gestured toward the carriage where Handsome was carefully settling his lady. Beaver Hat pulled some coins from a pocket of his coat and laid them on the boards she used as a counter.

Three guineas!

Anna looked at the coins with longing. That much money would buy her younger sister Jenny medicine for a whole month, maybe more if they were careful. Anna wished she could just take the coins and run. “I’m that sorry, sir. I haven’t sold enough yet to be able to make change for that much.”

“What a shame. How about you keep it all if you can point me toward someone with good hot chocolate to sell.”

She wanted to sing and pointed toward a booth two stands down. “That I can do. You see that older woman over there?”

“The one with the gray bonnet?”

“That’s the one. She’s my mother, and if you tell her Anna sent you, she’ll take three pence off her normal price of a cup of hot chocolate”

“Done. Thank you.”

Anna watched him walk off and stop at her mother’s booth. There was a quick exchange. Her mother cast a wide-eyed glance toward Anna and she nodded.

A cup of chocolate was poured for the gentleman to sample.

He drank it all in one swig, then licked his lips and spoke at length with her mother. Anna served three more customers while watching to see what was happening at the chocolate booth.

Beaver Hat handed her mother a slip of paper or perhaps his card. The crowd was too thick for Anna to see clearly.

The next thing she new her mother hopped up from her three-legged stool and bussed the man soundly on the cheek. Then she turned and quickly ladled a large pitcher full of chocolate from her pot. She placed it along with four wooden mugs on the makeshift counter between her and the gentlman.

Anna’s eyes widened as she saw the gleam of gold pass from the man’s hand to her mother’s. In the next moment, her brother Edward was helping the gentlman to carry his purchases toward the coach where Handsome and his lady waited.

Edward waved as the coach sped off then ran to Anna. “Mother says I’m to help you close up, Anna, we need to go home right away. Our fortunes have been made.”

“What do you mean, our fortunes have been made?”

“That toff you sent over to mother is a lord, and he wants mother to come to work for him. He’s even willing to take you and me on as under-servants so we can learn that trade.

If she’d had a stool, Anna would have sat. Lord in heaven, thank you. Now they would have enough money from their three salaries to see that Jenny saw a doctor and might even get well.

Comment to win

Comment on this post, each of the other four, and the page on the Belles’ website to go into the draw for the main prize in the blog hop, a $50 US Amazon card.

All comments on this post will go in a draw for an e-copy of one the four Bluestocking Belles’ collections, plus a copy of Forever Hold My Heart, a Victorian Era MacKai Family novella.

Did Frost Faire Vendors Truly Sell Hot Chestnuts?

I could find no information one way or the other about the sale of rosted Chestnuts at the 1814 Frost Faire. However, given the long history of hot Chestnuts throughout the world, I believe that one or more vendors very like my fictional Anna made a pretty penny selling roasted Chestnuts to all and sundry.

FoodReference.com (http://www.foodreference.com/html/chestnuts-roasting-a1209.html) gives the following information about the history of these delicious morsels. “Chestnuts hail from a deciduous tree indigenous to the Americas and Asia.  There are numerous species and mankind has been harvesting them for millennia.  The Native Americans were consuming them long before the first European settlers arrived in the New World.  The Europeans in turn, were introduced to the chestnut from Sardis, the capital of the ancient kingdom of Lydia, now part of Eastern Turkey.  Thus, the people of that time referred to chestnuts as the “Sardian Nut.”  Sardis was an important city in the ancient Persian Empire until falling to Alexander the Great in 334 B.C.  Later it was a key metropolis in the Roman Empire. 

Both Alexander and the Romans planted chestnuts throughout Europe.  They were amenable to the mountainous Mediterranean regions where cereal grains would not grow well.  This rendered chestnuts indispensable for the inhabitants of those grain-challenged areas.  Chestnuts became a principal food source and a valuable commodity in bartering.  The ancient Greeks ground them into flour and made chestnut bread.  The Romans used ground chestnuts to produce a form of polenta.  The Romans also believed that chestnuts counteracted certain poisons, dysentery and rabies.  Some species of chestnut trees were grown for their wood as well.”

If you’d like to learn more about roasting chestnuts and the various methods employed to make the treat this link is a good starting place   https://www.canr.msu.edu/news/chestnuts_history_and_roasting_tips.

Next up:

Wilfred Bagshott Portraits on Demand; Sketches personal and charming! Prints and souvenirs!

About Fire & Frost

In a winter so cold the Thames freezes over, five couples venture onto the ice in pursuit of love to warm their hearts.

Love unexpected, rekindled, or brand new—even one that’s a whack on the side of the head—heats up the frigid winter. After weeks of fog and cold, all five stories converge on the ice at the 1814 Frost Fair when the ladies’ campaign to help the wounded and unemployed veterans of the Napoleonic wars culminates in a charity auction that shocks the high sticklers of the ton.

In their 2020 collection, join the Bluestocking Belles and their heroes and heroines as The Ladies’ Society For The Care of the Widows and Orphans of Fallen Heroes and the Children of Wounded Veterans pursues justice, charity, and soul-searing romance.

Celebrate Valentine’s Day 2020 with five interconnected Regency romances.

Melting Matilda by Jude Knight – Fire smolders under the frost between them.

My One True Love by Rue Allyn – She vanished into the fog. Will he find his one true love or remain lost, cold and alone forever?

Lord Ethan’s Courage by Caroline Warfield – War may freeze a man’s heart; it takes a woman to melt it.

A Second Chance at Love by Sherry Ewing – Can the bittersweet frost of lost love be rekindled into a burning flame?

The Umbrella Chronicles: Chester and Artemis’s Story by Amy Quinton – Beastly duke seeks confident woman who doesn’t faint at the sight of his scars. Prefers not to leave the house to find her.


Buy Links (Available for Pre-order now. Release date Feb. 4, 2020):

Apple Books

Barnes & Noble

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Amazon US


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