I live in a rather large house on a smallholding on the outskirts of a small town in New Zealand, with my dearly beloved of more than fifty years and two cats. Great for the physical distancing that is today’s new normal! We can walk a hundred yards and still not reach our mail box.

Here, I write my books and dream. My head is always full of plot strands and characters, sparking off one another, weaving in and out, and creating complex knots that take me ages to untangle when they finally stop arguing with one another long enough to tell me their stories.

I have six children and they own to sixteen offspring between them, counting steps and fosters. I miss them now that they’re in their Covid-19 bubbles and I’m in mine. It’ll be good to see them again.

Very small? I never quite reached five feet. Four feet eleven and three quarters, I used to tell people. But at not quite seventy, I’ve shrunk a little. Rue’s reaction when she and her lovely man came to meet us in Wellington is one I get a lot. “You’re tiny!” [I just blurted out the words without thinking and was very embarassed.] Apparently, I sound much bigger on social media.

I’m excited about my new project, the series called The Children of the Mountain King. It has been in my head for about seven years, and I’ve hinted at it in a few novels and novellas in the past five. The Bluestocking and the Barbarian, my 2016 project for the Belles was the beginnings of the book I’m publishing next week, novel one of the series. I’ve stayed in that world for the novellas in two of the next three Belles’ collections: Paradise Regained in 2017, and Melting Matilda earlier this year.

I’m half way through novel two of the series, and have started novels three and four. I welcome you to join me in my fictional Regency England to find out what happens when a duke’s heir turns up in England with six of his children by a Persian princess.

To Wed a Proper Lady

Everyone knows James needs a bride with impeccable blood lines. He needs Sophia’s love more.

James must marry to please his grandfather, the duke, and to win social acceptance for himself and his father’s other foreign-born children. But only Lady Sophia Belvoir makes his heart sing, and to win her, he must invite himself to spend Christmas at the home of his father’s greatest enemy.

Sophia keeps secret her tendre for James, Lord Elfingham. After all, the whole of Society knows he is pursuing the younger Belvoir sister, not the older one left on the shelf after two failed betrothals.

Tagline: To win acceptance for his foreign-born family, James needs a bride with impeccable blood lines. He needs Sophia’s love more. @JudeKnightBooks #starcrossed lovers

Universal buy link: https://books2read.com/CMK-ProperLady

Meet Jude Knight

Jude always wanted to be a novelist. She started in her teens, but life kept getting in the way. Years passed, and with them dozens of unfinished manuscripts. The fear grew. What if she tried, failed, and lost the dream forever? The past 5 years have brought 8 novels, 13 novella, 3 awards and several more nominations, and hundreds of positive reviews. The dream is alive.

Website and blog: http://judeknightauthor.com/

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