This year’s attempt to revive my blog involves moving away from historical topics and into ‘real’ life. As you know ‘real’ life is crazy. Hence the name of my Monday posts “Monday Mania.”

Now that I’m retired, Mondays don’t have the same sort of Mania they had when I was a full-time working mom with a full-time working spouse and two very unique sons, not to mention the two or three cats who ruled our roost from day to day.

Those Mondays always began with a struggle to get the boys out of their respective beds, into their clothes, down to breakfast, then out the door to school. I’ve come to understand that regardless of gender, this sort of mania is fairly common in families with school age kids.

Now days, my ‘kids’ are adults and living on their own. But I still have that struggle to get someone (me) out of bed. I’m not very good about sleeping a regular hours and more often than not don’t hit my pillow until 2 or 3 in the morning. Hence my slug-abed lifestyle. But I need to get up at a decent hour (7 or 8 AM) because, while I don’t have children under foot, I now have a housekeeper. That’s a different sort of mania altogether, and probably a topic for next week.

See you then.

The image above is courtesy of I found both it and her blog inspiring. Love the words and her blog, very inspiring.

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