I confess, I love Project Runway. I especially love Tim Gunn’s encouragement to the competitors. “Make it work.” It’s a way of saying, ‘Find a solution.,” with the added implication of “I’m certain you can do it.” Nice to have someone cheering you on and saying they have faith in your capability. That’s what a coach is for.

I had a coach for a while. A terrific man (who out of courtesy to him will remain nameless) who with infinite patience took flabby, overweight me and helped me become less flabby and less obese. I would go to the gym every day. My coach and I only met once a week, but because I knew he would know if I’d been to the gym or not, I went every day. I wanted to show him I could make it work. Believe me, there were times when I thought I’d never make it work. My coach always helped me see that I could not only make my muscles work, but I could do more with them than I ever imagined. So I would work at my reps and my stance and my weights and eventually I not only could do more, I did do more. Each attempt met with success, most often slowly, but success nonetheless.

So working at it and making it work became my mantras. I wish I could say that I had continued making it work when I had to leave the coach because we moved away. I did not. However, I know that the day I start working at it again, I can and will make it work.

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