Do you wish every day could be a day to celebrate? I suspect you do or you wouldn’t be reading the RAVON blog. Approaching every day as a celebration, lifts our spirits and helps carry us through the tough times.


Yes, this blog will have no regular, periodic posts. Honestly, do you want to spend a good part of every day reading yet another blog?


for Rue Allyn’s Very Occasional Newsletter. This blog was inspired by the word occasional and designed as a place to share our celebrations, occasions, events survivals, endurances, anything that might in anyway qualify as an occasion. So share, comment, subscribe ,and join the community.

This post has been an occasion for explanation. What better way to celebrate explaining than to consult a dicitonary. Here’s what Miriam Webster has to say about occasion:

1 : A favorable opportunity or circumstance, as in: did not have occasion to talk with them.

2a a state of affairs that provides a ground or reason The occasion of the discord was their mutual intolerance.
2b an occurrence or condition that brings something about; especially the immediate inciting circumstance as distinguished from the fundamental cause. His insulting remark was the occasion of a bitter quarrel.
3a happeningincidentEverybody has been terribly kind since my recent sad occasion. —Thomas Kelly
3b a time at which something happens instance  on the occasion of his daughter’s wedding

4a a need arising from a particular circumstance:  knowledge for which he will never have any occasion —C. H. Grandgent

4b archaic a personal want or need usually used in plural

occasions plural affairsbusinessminded his own occasions and was content for other folk to mind theirs. —S. H. Adams

6a special event or ceremony celebration birthdays, anniversaries, and other special occasions  on occasionfrom time to time. He lives in the country, though he visits the city on occasion.

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